hand with blocks

Asheville Pediatric Speech Therapy

Play Talk & Grow provides individualized intervention plans tailored to each child’s unique strengths, challenges, and interests. Therapists assess not only speech and language skills but also factors like sensory processing, motor coordination, and social interactions. Family involvement is integral, with therapists providing education, support, and strategies for caregivers to facilitate skills at home.

We value meaningful goals that represent the whole child.

Our therapeutic approach is respectful and strengths based for ALL families.  We are play-based therapists that believe in following a child’s lead to explore their interests.  By listening to the child and providing engaging activities we are able to build trust and establish a nurturing relationship on which we can develop speech and language skills.

Play Talk & Grow provides primarily clinic based services. We also provide services within the community at daycares and private schools. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to be present and fully participate in therapy sessions. Connecting with the family is just as important as our relationship with the child.

The Specialized Services We Offer

Early Intervention

Early intervention therapy services provide specialized support to infants, toddlers, and young children who have or are at risk for speech and language delays. Our services aim to address communication difficulties early on to promote better language development and overall communication skills. We use play-based techniques and tailored activities to engage children in improving their speech and language abilities. Parents are active participants in our sessions and are taught techniques to support their child’s development outside of the therapy session.

Articulation Therapy

Articulation therapy focuses on improving a child’s ability to produce speech sounds accurately. We will begin by assessing the child’s speech sound errors to identify specific targets for therapy. Treatment techniques may include auditory discrimination activities, oral motor exercises, and phonetic placement techniques to teach correct sound production. Therapy sessions often involve engaging activities tailored to the child’s interests to keep them motivated and actively participating. Progress is monitored through regular assessments, and therapy goals are adjusted as the child improves their articulation skills.

Neurodiversity Support

We use neurodiversity affirming practices which involve adopting an approach that respects and embraces the diverse ways in which individuals’ brains function. This includes recognizing and valuing the unique strengths and challenges of each child, regardless of their neurological differences or diagnoses. Therapists prioritize creating a supportive and inclusive environment that fosters acceptance, celebrates differences, and encourages self-advocacy. Additionally, using person-centered and strengths-based interventions helps empower children to develop their communication skills while honoring their individuality and neurological diversity.

Language Therapy

Developmental language therapy targets improving a child’s overall language skills, including vocabulary, grammar, comprehension, and expressive language abilities. We assess the child’s language development level and identifies areas in need of support. Therapy sessions often involve structured activities, play-based interventions, and conversation-based exercises to promote language growth. The therapist may use strategies such as modeling correct language, providing visual supports, and encouraging language expansion to facilitate learning. Progress is monitored through ongoing assessments and observations to track improvements and adjust therapy goals as needed.

Augmentative Communication

Speech generating devices (SGDs) are valuable tools in pediatric speech therapy for children with severe communication impairments. These devices help children who have limited or unclear speech to express themselves effectively. We work with your insurance to assess your child’s needs and find the best device that works for them. Therapy involves teaching the child how to use the SGD to produce messages, either by selecting pre-programmed buttons or typing text. The therapist also works with the child to integrate the SGD into daily activities and interactions to promote functional communication skills. Ongoing support and training are provided to optimize the child’s use of the SGD and facilitate communication success.


Stuttering therapy for children focuses on reducing disfluencies and improving communication fluency. The therapist first assesses the child’s stuttering patterns and associated behaviors to develop an individualized treatment plan. Therapy often involves a combination of behavioral techniques, such as slow and easy speech strategies, relaxation techniques, and desensitization exercises. Additionally, the therapist works on modifying speech behaviors and attitudes related to stuttering to increase confidence and reduce avoidance behaviors. Therapy sessions are structured to be supportive and engaging, with a focus on empowering the child to communicate more effectively and comfortably.


Speech therapy for children with dyslexia aims to address specific language and phonological processing difficulties that contribute to reading challenges. The therapist focuses on developing phonological awareness, including recognizing and manipulating sounds in words, which is crucial for reading success. Therapy may involve activities to improve decoding skills, such as blending and segmenting sounds, and enhancing vocabulary and comprehension abilities. The therapist also collaborates with educators and parents to integrate speech therapy goals into the child’s overall learning plan.

Natural Language Aquisition

Does your child memorize books or movies? Do they speak with inflection but are difficult to understand? Are they imitating all the words they hear?  Often, children who use delayed echolalia (or scripting) are gestalt language processors.  Gestalt Language Processing (GLP) is a form of language development that starts with whole memorized phrases to single words. It is a natural way to develop language but is often thought of as disordered by those unaware of GLP.  It is NOT!  The NLA framework was developed by Marge Blanc (2012).

Those that are not yet using flexible, original language require a different approach in order to begin communicating with self-generated language.  Chrissy is a Certified NLA Trained Clinician.  Other therapists in the practice are currently completing the certification process.  Understanding NLA can help parents and other professionals engage and connect with their child’s natural way of learning language.

Feeding Therapy

Pediatric feeding therapy is a specialized approach aimed at addressing feeding difficulties and improving eating behaviors in infants and children. It involves a comprehensive assessment of a child’s feeding skills, oral motor function, sensory processing, and behavior around mealtimes. The therapy is tailored to each child’s specific needs and may include strategies such as desensitization to textures, oral motor exercises, and behavior modification techniques. The goal is to promote safe and efficient feeding, increase food acceptance, and ultimately enhance the child’s nutritional intake and growth.

Chrissy uses creative and natural play to engage children and encourage emergent language and communication.  She is skilled at promoting child initiated, functional, and unprompted verbal and nonverbal interactions.  Her dedication to improving the communication skills of children is evident in her warm and compassionate relationships with children and families.

Jennifer B.